Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Definition of a Verb (Verbo)

In Spanish, a verb (verbo) is a word that expresses an action, state, or occurrence. It is an essential part of a sentence, indicating what the subject is doing or experiencing. Verbs change their form according to the subject, tense, and mood.

🔹 Example:

  • Correr (to run)
  • Yo corro todos los días. (I run every day.)

Types of Spanish Verbs (Tipos de Verbos en Español)

Spanish verbs can be classified into different types based on their structure and function. Below are the main categories:

1. Regular Verbs (Verbos Regulares)

Regular verbs follow a consistent conjugation pattern depending on their infinitive endings: -ar, -er, -ir. Their root remains unchanged.

🔹 Example:

  • Hablar (to speak) → Yo hablo, tú hablas, él/ella habla
  • Comer (to eat) → Yo como, tú comes, él/ella come
  • Vivir (to live) → Yo vivo, tú vives, él/ella vive

2. Irregular Verbs (Verbos Irregulares)

Irregular verbs do not follow the standard conjugation rules, often changing their root in different tenses.

🔹 Example:

  • Ser (to be) → Yo soy, tú eres, él/ella es
  • Tener (to have) → Yo tengo, tú tienes, él/ella tiene

3. Auxiliary Verbs (Verbos Auxiliares)

These verbs help form compound tenses and expressions, such as the perfect tense or passive voice.

🔹 Example:

  • Haber (to have – as an auxiliary) → Yo he comido. (I have eaten.)

4. Reflexive Verbs (Verbos Reflexivos)

Reflexive verbs indicate that the subject performs and receives the action. They are used with reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se).

🔹 Example:

  • Levantarse (to get up) → Yo me levanto temprano. (I get up early.)

5. Modal Verbs (Verbos Modales)

These verbs express necessity, ability, permission, or obligation. They are often followed by an infinitive.

🔹 Example:

  • Poder (can, to be able to) → Yo puedo hablar español. (I can speak Spanish.)
  • Deber (must, should) → Tú debes estudiar más. (You must study more.)

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