This comprehensive chart provides definitions, differences, and examples for the Présent de l’Indicatif, Passé Composé, Imparfait de l’Indicatif, Plus-que-Parfait, Passé Simple, Passé Antérieur, Futur Simple, Futur Antérieur, Conditionnel Présent, Conditionnel Passé, Présent du Subjonctif, Passé du Subjonctif, Imparfait du Subjonctif, and Plus-que-Parfait du Subjonctif tenses in French, along with translations in English and Hindi.
Now summarizing all the discussed French tenses, including their definitions, differences, and examples in French, English, and Hindi.
Tense | Definition | Difference | Examples | English Translation | Hindi Translation |
Présent de l’Indicatif | Describes actions happening now, habitual actions, or general truths. | Used for current actions or habitual activities. | 1. Je mange une pomme. | I eat an apple. | मैं एक सेब खाता हूँ। |
2. Tu étudies le français. | You study French. | तुम फ्रेंच पढ़ते हो। | |||
3. Il chante une chanson. | He sings a song. | वह एक गाना गाता है। | |||
Passé Composé | Describes actions completed in the past with relevance to the present. | Focuses on actions completed in the past with a connection to the present. | 1. J’ai mangé une pomme. | I ate an apple. | मैंने एक सेब खा लिया। |
2. Tu as étudié le français. | You studied French. | तुमने फ्रेंच पढ़ाई। | |||
3. Il a chanté une chanson. | He sang a song. | उसने एक गाना गाया। | |||
Imparfait de l’Indicatif | Describes ongoing or habitual actions in the past, or sets the scene for another past action. | Used for actions that were ongoing or habitual in the past. | 1. Je parlais quand il est arrivé. | I was speaking when he arrived. | मैं बात कर रहा था जब वह आया। |
2. Tu mangeais toujours des bonbons. | You always used to eat candies. | तुम हमेशा मिठाइयाँ खाया करते थे। | |||
3. Il pleuvait souvent en été. | It often rained in the summer. | ग्रीष्मकाल में अक्सर बारिश होती थी। | |||
Plus-que-Parfait | Describes actions that had been completed before another past action. | Focuses on actions completed before another past event. | 1. J’avais fini mon travail avant qu’il ne commence. | I had finished my work before he started. | मैंने अपना काम समाप्त कर लिया था उससे पहले कि वह शुरू हुआ। |
2. Tu avais déjà mangé quand je suis arrivé. | You had already eaten when I arrived. | तुम पहले ही खा चुके थे जब मैं आया। | |||
3. Elle avait vécu à Paris avant de déménager à Lyon. | She had lived in Paris before moving to Lyon. | वह पेरिस में रह चुकी थी पहले कि वह ल्यों में स्थानांतरित हो गई। | |||
Passé Simple | Describes actions completed in the past, typically in literary or formal writing. | Used for narrating completed past actions, often in stories or historical accounts. | 1. Il écrivit une lettre. | He wrote a letter. | उसने एक पत्र लिखा। |
2. Nous partîmes en vacances. | We went on vacation. | हम छुट्टी पर गए। | |||
3. Elle finit son livre. | She finished her book. | उसने अपनी किताब समाप्त की। | |||
Passé Antérieur | Describes actions that had been completed before another past action, used in literary contexts. | Used to show that an action was completed before another past action, mainly in formal or literary writing. | 1. Il eut écrit la lettre avant de partir. | He had written the letter before leaving. | उसने पत्र लिख लिया था जाने से पहले। |
2. Nous fûmes partis quand elle arriva. | We had left when she arrived. | हम जा चुके थे जब वह आई। | |||
3. Elle eut terminé le travail dès qu’il arriva. | She had finished the work as soon as he arrived. | उसने काम समाप्त कर लिया था जैसे ही वह आया। | |||
Futur Simple | Describes actions that will occur in the future. | Used for expressing future actions or events. | 1. Je parlerai demain. | I will speak tomorrow. | मैं कल बोलूंगा। |
2. Nous voyagerons en France cet été. | We will travel to France this summer. | हम इस गर्मी में फ्रांस यात्रा करेंगे। | |||
3. Ils finiront le projet bientôt. | They will finish the project soon. | वे जल्दी ही परियोजना समाप्त करेंगे। | |||
Futur Antérieur | Describes actions that will have been completed before another future action. | Used to show that an action will be completed before another future action or time. | 1. J’aurai terminé le travail avant vendredi. | I will have finished the work before Friday. | मैं शुक्रवार से पहले काम समाप्त कर लूंगा। |
2. Nous aurons quitté la maison quand tu arriveras. | We will have left the house when you arrive. | हम घर छोड़ चुके होंगे जब तुम आओगे। | |||
3. Elle aura terminé ses études dès qu’elle aura son diplôme. | She will have finished her studies as soon as she gets her diploma. | वह अपनी पढ़ाई समाप्त कर चुकी होगी जैसे ही उसे डिप्लोमा मिलेगा। | |||
Conditionnel Présent | Describes actions that would happen under certain conditions or hypothetical situations. | Used for expressing hypothetical or polite requests, suggestions, or actions dependent on a condition. | 1. Je parlerais si j’avais le temps. | I would speak if I had the time. | अगर मेरे पास समय होता तो मैं बात करता। |
2. Tu voudrais un café? | Would you like a coffee? | क्या आप एक कॉफ़ी लेना चाहेंगे? | |||
3. Il écrirait une lettre s’il savait comment. | He would write a letter if he knew how. | अगर उसे पता होता तो वह एक पत्र लिखता। | |||
Conditionnel Passé | Describes actions that would have happened under certain conditions in the past. | Used for expressing actions that would have occurred in the past if certain conditions had been met. | 1. J’aurais parlé si j’avais eu le temps. | I would have spoken if I had had the time. | अगर मेरे पास समय होता तो मैं बात कर लेता। |
2. Tu aurais voulu un café si tu avais su. | You would have liked a coffee if you had known. | अगर तुमने जाना होता तो तुम एक कॉफ़ी पसंद करते। | |||
3. Il aurait écrit une lettre s’il avait su comment. | He would have written a letter if he had known how. | अगर उसे पता होता तो वह एक पत्र लिखता। | |||
Présent du Subjonctif | Describes actions or states that are uncertain, hypothetical, or subjective in the present or future. | Used to express doubts, desires, emotions, or hypothetical situations. Often follows verbs or conjunctions that trigger the subjunctive. | 1. Il faut que je parle. | It is necessary that I speak. | मुझे बात करनी चाहिए। |
2. Je souhaite que tu réussisses. | I wish that you succeed. | मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम सफल हो। | |||
3. Bien qu’il soit tard, nous continuons. | Although it is late, we continue. | हालांकि बहुत देर हो चुकी है, हम जारी रखते हैं। | |||
Passé du Subjonctif | Describes actions or states that were uncertain, hypothetical, or subjective in the past. | Used to express doubts, desires, or emotions about actions completed in the past. Often used with verbs or conjunctions triggering the subjunctive. | 1. Je doute qu’il ait parlé. | I doubt that he spoke. | मुझे संदेह है कि उसने बात की। |
2. Il est triste que nous ayons échoué. | He is sad that we failed. | वह उदास है कि हम असफल हो गए। | |||
3. Je regrette qu’elle n’ait pas venu. | I regret that she did not come. | मुझे अफ़सोस है कि वह नहीं आई। | |||
Imparfait du Subjonctif | Describes hypothetical or subjective actions in the past, used in literary or formal contexts. | Used for expressing past actions or states that are subjective or hypothetical, often in formal or literary French. | 1. Je voulais qu’il vînt à la fête. | I wanted him to come to the party. | मैं चाहता था कि वह पार्टी में आए। |
2. Il était important que nous finissions le travail. | It was important that we finished the work. | यह महत्वपूर्ण था कि हम काम पूरा करें। | |||
3. Elle souhaitait que vous écrivissiez une lettre. | She wished that you wrote a letter. | वह चाहती थी कि आप एक पत्र लिखें। | |||
Plus-que-Parfait du Subjonctif | Describes actions or states that had been completed before another past action, used in literary contexts. | Used to express actions that had been completed before another past action, in a subjective or hypothetical context. | 1. Je doutais qu’il eût terminé avant moi. | I doubted that he had finished before me. | मुझे संदेह था कि उसने मेरे पहले समाप्त किया था। |
2. Il aurait été ravi que nous eussions réussi. | He would have been delighted if we had succeeded. | वह खुश होता अगर हम सफल हो गए होते। | |||
3. Si seulement elle eût su la vérité ! | If only she had known the truth! | काश वह सच जान पाती! |