Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Here’s a chart summarizing the Imparfait de l’Indicatif and Plus-que-Parfait tenses, including their definitions, differences, and examples in French, English, and Hindi.

TenseDefinitionDifferenceExamplesEnglish TranslationHindi Translation
Imparfait de l’IndicatifDescribes ongoing or habitual actions in the past, or sets the scene for another past action.Focuses on actions that were ongoing or habitual in the past. It provides background information or context.1. Je parlais quand il est arrivé.I was speaking when he arrived.मैं बात कर रहा था जब वह आया।
2. Tu mangeais toujours des bonbons.You always used to eat candies.तुम हमेशा मिठाइयाँ खाया करते थे।
3. Il pleuvait souvent en été.It often rained in the summer.ग्रीष्मकाल में अक्सर बारिश होती थी।
Plus-que-ParfaitDescribes actions that had been completed before another past action.Focuses on actions that were completed before another past action. It is used to show what had happened before another past event.1. J’avais fini mon travail avant qu’il ne commence.I had finished my work before he started.मैंने अपना काम समाप्त कर लिया था उससे पहले कि वह शुरू हुआ।
2. Tu avais déjà mangé quand je suis arrivé.You had already eaten when I arrived.तुम पहले ही खा चुके थे जब मैं आया।
3. Elle avait vécu à Paris avant de déménager à Lyon.She had lived in Paris before moving to Lyon.वह पेरिस में रह चुकी थी पहले कि वह ल्यों में स्थानांतरित हो गई।

This chart provides a concise comparison of the Imparfait de l’Indicatif and Plus-que-Parfait tenses, including their definitions, differences, and practical examples.

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