Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Here’s a chart summarizing the Présent du Subjonctif and Passé du Subjonctif tenses, including their definitions, differences, and examples in French, English, and Hindi.

TenseDefinitionDifferenceExamplesEnglish TranslationHindi Translation
Présent du SubjonctifDescribes actions or states that are uncertain, hypothetical, or subjective in the present or future. Often used after certain conjunctions or verbs expressing doubt, emotion, or necessity.Used to express doubts, desires, emotions, or hypothetical situations in the present or future. Often follows verbs and conjunctions that trigger the subjunctive mood.1. Il faut que je parle.It is necessary that I speak.मुझे बात करनी चाहिए।
2. Je souhaite que tu réussisses.I wish that you succeed.मैं चाहता हूँ कि तुम सफल हो।
3. Bien qu’il soit tard, nous continuons.Although it is late, we continue.हालांकि बहुत देर हो चुकी है, हम जारी रखते हैं।
Passé du SubjonctifDescribes actions or states that were uncertain, hypothetical, or subjective in the past. Used in subordinate clauses to indicate that the action is completed relative to the main clause.Used to express doubts, desires, or emotions about actions that were completed in the past. Often follows conjunctions or verbs that require the subjunctive mood and indicates that the action occurred before the main action.1. Je doute qu’il ait parlé.I doubt that he spoke.मुझे संदेह है कि उसने बात की।
2. Il est triste que nous ayons échoué.He is sad that we failed.वह उदास है कि हम असफल हो गए।
3. Je regrette qu’elle n’ait pas venu.I regret that she did not come.मुझे अफ़सोस है कि वह नहीं आई।

Summary of Differences

  • Présent du Subjonctif is used to express subjective actions or states in the present or future, such as doubts, wishes, or emotions.
  • Passé du Subjonctif is used to express subjective actions or states that were completed in the past. It reflects actions that are completed relative to the main clause and follows verbs or conjunctions that trigger the subjunctive mood.

This chart provides a clear comparison of the Présent du Subjonctif and Passé du Subjonctif tenses, including their definitions, differences, and examples.

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