Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

A la réception d’Inlingua – At the Inlingua reception 
Bonjour, Madame, est-ce que je peux vous renseigner? – Hello, Madam, can I help you?
Oui, je voudrais des informations pour un cours de français. – Yes, I would like information about a French course.
Proposez-vous des cours de groupe? – Do you offer group classes?
Oui, bien sûr. Connaissez-vous votre niveau? – Yes, of course. Do you know your level?
Non, pas exactement. – No, not exactly.
Bien, je vous propose de faire une évaluation orale avec notre formateur. – Well, I suggest doing an oral evaluation with our teacher.
D’accord. Pouvez-vous me donner les horaires pour les cours de groupe? – Okay. Can you give me the schedule for the group classes?
Dans notre centre, les cours de groupe sont généralement le soir. – In our center, group classes are generally in the evening.
Je vous laisse une brochure avec les différentes options. – I’ll leave you a brochure with the different options.
Très bien. Est-ce que j’ai besoin de remplir une fiche d’inscription? – Very good. Do I need to fill out a registration form?
Oui, s’il vous plaît. Indiquez vos nom et prénom, votre adresse et votre email. Je vous envoie une offre personnalisée très prochainement. – Yes, please. Indicate your name and surname, your address and your email. I will send you a personalized offer very soon.

  • Réception – reception
  • Renseigner – to inform
  • Proposer – to offer
  • Niveau – level
  • Évaluation – evaluation
  • Horaire – schedule
  • Brochure – brochure
  • Fiche d’inscription – registration form
  • Indiquer – to indicate

Grammar Explanation:

The dialogue is a simple conversation between a customer and a receptionist at a language school. The grammar used is relatively basic and easy to understand. Here are some key points:

  • Question Formation: Questions are formed using the inversion of the subject and verb, or by adding “est-ce que” before the sentence. For example, “Connaissez-vous votre niveau?” (Do you know your level?)
  • Direct Object Pronouns: Direct object pronouns (e.g., “vous”, “me”, “le”, “la”) are used to replace nouns that are direct objects of the verb. For example, “Je vous propose de faire une évaluation orale.” (I suggest doing an oral evaluation with you.)
  • Present Tense: The present tense is used to describe actions that are happening now or that are habitual. For example, “Les cours de groupe sont généralement le soir.” (Group classes are generally in the evening.)
  • Future Tense: The future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. For example, “Je vous envoie une offre personnalisée très prochainement.” (I will send you a personalized offer very soon.)

Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns in French

Direct object pronouns refer to the person or thing that directly receives the action of the verb.Indirect object pronouns refer to the person or thing that indirectly receives the action of the verb, often as a beneficiary or recipient.

Direct Object Pronouns

  • me (me)
  • te (you, informal)
  • le (him, it, masculine)
  • la (her, it, feminine)
  • nous (us)
  • vous (you, formal or plural)
  • les (them)

Indirect Object Pronouns

  • me (to me)
  • te (to you, informal)
  • lui (to him, to it, masculine)
  • leur (to them)
  • nous (to us)
  • vous (to you, formal or plural)


Direct object pronoun:

  • Je vois le film. (I see the movie.) – “le film” is the direct object.
  • Tu aimes la musique. (You like the music.) – “la musique” is the direct object.

Indirect object pronoun:

  • J’écris une lettre à mon ami. (I write a letter to my friend.) – “à mon ami” is an indirect object, and “lui” can replace it: Je lui écris une lettre.
  • Tu donnes le livre à Marie. (You give the book to Marie.) – “à Marie” is an indirect object, and “lui” can replace it: Tu lui donnes le livre.

Both direct and indirect object pronouns:

  • Je te donne le cadeau. (I give you the gift.) – “te” is the indirect object (to you), and “le cadeau” is the direct object (the gift).


  • Direct object pronouns usually follow the verb.
  • Indirect object pronouns usually precede the verb, but they can also follow it if the direct object pronoun comes before the verb.
  • When both direct and indirect object pronouns are used, the indirect object pronoun usually comes first.

By understanding these concepts and practicing their usage, you can effectively communicate in French.

Bonsoir, Madame, avez-vous une chambre disponible pour deux personnes?
Good evening, Madam, do you have a room available for two people?

Oui, bien sûr.
Yes, of course.

Avec vue sur la mer?
With a sea view?

Oui, il reste une chambre.
Yes, there is one room left.

Très bien. Quel est le prix pour une nuit?
Very well. What is the price for one night?

La chambre avec lit double coûte 170 €, petits déjeuners inclus.
The room with a double bed costs 170 €, breakfast included.

Parfait. A quelle heure servez-vous le petit déjeuner?
Perfect. At what time do you serve breakfast?

Nous servons le petit déjeuner entre 7h30 et 10h30, Monsieur.
We serve breakfast between 7:30 and 10:30, Sir.

Entendu. Est-ce que la chambre dispose d’une connexion WiFi? Je dois impérativement envoyer un dossier urgent ce soir.
Understood. Does the room have WiFi? I absolutely need to send an urgent file tonight.

Certainement, Monsieur. Voici une carte avec le code d’accès WiFi.
Certainly, Sir. Here is a card with the WiFi access code.

Pourriez-vous nous réveiller à 8h demain matin?
Could you wake us up at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning?

Bien entendu, vous disposez d’un service de réveil automatique depuis le téléphone de votre chambre.
Of course, you have an automatic wake-up service from your room phone.

D’accord. Une dernière question: à quelle heure devons-nous quitter la chambre?
Okay. One last question: what time must we leave the room?

Vous devez libérer la chambre avant midi, Monsieur.
You must vacate the room before noon, Sir.

Important Words and Their Meanings:

  • chambre – room
  • disponible – available
  • vue – view
  • prix – price
  • petit déjeuner – breakfast
  • connexion WiFi – WiFi connection
  • dossier – file
  • urgent – urgent
  • réveiller – to wake up
  • service de réveil – wake-up service
  • libérer – to free, to vacate

Grammar Explanation:

The dialogue is a conversation between a guest and a receptionist at a hotel. The grammar is relatively simple and uses common French structures. Here are some key points:

  • Question Formation: Questions are formed using inversion of the subject and verb, or by adding “est-ce que” before the sentence. For example, “Avez-vous une chambre disponible?”
  • Direct Object Pronouns: Direct object pronouns (e.g., “la chambre”) are used to replace nouns that are direct objects of the verb.
  • Indirect Object Pronouns: Indirect object pronouns (e.g., “vous”) are used to indicate the person or thing that indirectly receives the action of the verb.
  • Present Tense: The present tense is used to describe actions that are happening now or that are habitual. For example, “Nous servons le petit déjeuner.”
  • Future Tense: The future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. For example, “Vous devez libérer la chambre.”
  • Adverbs of Time: Adverbs of time like “demain” (tomorrow) and “avant midi” (before noon) are used to specify when actions will take place.

This dialogue demonstrates basic French conversation skills, including making inquiries, providing information, and making requests.



Voilà, Madame. Votre livre de Marguerite Duras de la Pléiade, ça fait 150 €. C’est pour offrir?
Here you go, Madam. Your Marguerite Duras book from the Pléiade series, it’s 150 €. Is it a gift?

Oui, est-ce que je peux avoir un paquet cadeau?
Yes, can I have a gift wrap?

Oui, bien sûr. Comment réglez-vous?
Yes, of course. How will you be paying?

Par chèque.
By check.

Entendu. Avez-vous une pièce d’identité, Madame?
Understood. Do you have an ID, Madam?

Oh, désolé, non, mes papiers sont dans la voiture.
Oh, sorry, no, my papers are in the car.

Dans ce cas, je vais régler par carte bancaire.
In that case, I’ll pay by credit card.

Pas de problème. Vous pouvez insérer votre carte et composer votre code confidentiel (…)
No problem. You can insert your card and enter your PIN code (…).

C’est bon, Madame, vous pouvez retirer votre carte. Voici votre article et votre reçu.
All set, Madam, you can remove your card. Here is your item and your receipt.

Merci bien, bonne journée.
Thank you very much, have a nice day.

20 Important Words and Their Meanings:

  1. librairie – bookstore
  2. caisse – cashier
  3. livrer – to deliver
  4. Marguerite Duras – a French author
  5. Pléiade – a prestigious French publishing series
  6. offrir – to offer
  7. paquet cadeau – gift wrapping
  8. régler – to pay
  9. chèque – check
  10. pièce d’identité – identification document
  11. désolé – sorry
  12. papiers – papers
  13. voiture – car
  14. carte bancaire – credit card
  15. insérer – to insert
  16. code confidentiel – confidential code
  17. retirer – to withdraw
  18. article – item
  19. reçu – receipt
  20. bonne journée – have a good day

Grammar Explanation:

The dialogue is a simple conversation between a customer and a cashier at a bookstore. Here are some key grammatical points:

  • Question Formation: Questions are formed using inversion of the subject and verb, or by adding “est-ce que” before the sentence. For example, “Est-ce que je peux avoir un paquet cadeau?”
  • Direct Object Pronouns: Direct object pronouns (e.g., “votre livre”) are used to replace nouns that are direct objects of the verb.
  • Indirect Object Pronouns: Indirect object pronouns (e.g., “vous”) are used to indicate the person or thing that indirectly receives the action of the verb.
  • Present Tense: The present tense is used to describe actions that are happening now or that are habitual. For example, “Vous pouvez retirer votre carte.”
  • Future Tense: The future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. For example, “Je vais régler par carte bancaire.”
  • Contractions: Contractions are common in French, such as “ça fait” for “cela fait” (it makes).
  • Polite Expressions: Polite expressions like “Madame” and “Merci bien” are used to show respect and courtesy.

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